'QUIZ: Can You Name The Football Clubs These Mascots Represent?

Mascots are a bit bonkers - a grown adult stuffing themselves into a fuzzy costume and prancing around in front of families. Why aren't they arrested?

Because they're terrific, that's why.

Some are legendary like Swansea's warmongering swan, Cyril. Or Fred the Red - no prizes for guessing which famous old club he represents (erm, it's Everton, right?).

But there is glory in naming which club these 15 mighty mascots represent. Each of them - from pies to birds, rabbits to dinosaurs - represent a British football club.

Get guessing, then let us know your score. Tag a mate as well to see if they can beat your total. Good luck!

source https://www.sportbible.com/football/football-quiz-can-you-name-the-football-clubs-these-mascots-represent-20200328

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