'Dejan Lovren Has Been Accused Of Being A Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorist

Liverpool defender Dejan Lovren has come under fire for seemingly backing a conspiracy theory stating the coronavirus is a ploy to force the general public into vaccinations.

Per Daily Mail, Lovren left a comment under billionaire Bill Gates' Instagram post thanking healthcare workers stating: "Game over Bill. People are not blind".

He's also made numerous posts on his Instagram story in reference to conspiracy theory David Icke.

Icke has made controversial claims about the virus since the outbreak began, including the unproven idea that the coronavirus is linked to 5G mobile networks.

His YouTube channel, which boasted over 1 million subscribers, was removed for the website last week in an attempt to stop the spread of misinformation.

Lovren, meanwhile, has promoted Icke's future work on Instagram with statements of 'we will not be censored' and 'we will not be silenced'.

The 30-year-old has also referred to himself as being part of 'the resistance'.

Image Credit: PA

Lovren also left a praying hands emoji on a controversial post from Croatian politician Ivan Pernar.

Pernar posted an image depicting Bill Gates holding a syringe stating: "Your body is my choice".

It then had a caption of: "There should always be the freedom of choice and against making vaccination mandatory. That is why I am a thorn in the eye of all mainstream media and their sponsors."

Lovren recently spoke to Croatian outlet Sportske Novosti and explained the impact lockdown is currently having on him mentally.

He explained per The Guardian: "It hasn't been easy as we have been locked up in our homes for 46 days now.

"The psychological aspect is the most difficult to overcome. I work out on my own as much as I can, I kick the ball around a bit with my son on our lawn, but training with the team [Liverpool] is totally different.

"I try to stay motivated any way I can. I get up in the morning and tell myself 'I am going to get knackered in training today' and at least I've managed to lose some weight.

"But I've also lost some mass on my legs because there is no substitute for a 90-minute team training session. You can't do an indoor exercise on your legs for 90 minutes."

source https://www.sportbible.com/football/news-football-weird-dejan-lovren-has-been-accused-of-being-a-conspiracy-theorist-20200504

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