'England International Is Reportedly 'Hooked On Sleeping Pills' And 'Mixes Them With Vodka'

An England international and Premier League footballer is reportedly addicted to sleeping pills and mixes them with alcohol during parties.

The unnamed superstar has begun buying Zopiclone, a drug used to treat amnesia, from the black market according to The Sun.

It is believed the player is able to get around drug tests as Zopiclone is only a Class C drug and doesn't appear on the banned substance list.

A source explained: "I couldn't believe it and turned to my friend, who is a teammate.

Image Credit: PA

"He told me this is why he has been struggling. He is addicted to the tablets.

"His teammates and friends are really worried. It will totally affect his game.

"The troubled player was off his face and dancing on a coffee table. He was completely out of it and didn't know what he was doing or saying.

"He keeps the sleeping tablets in his wash bag along with his mouthwash, and club bosses are none the wiser."

Combining sleeping pills with alcohol is incredibly dangerous and a fatal overdose could occur.

Stock image of sleeping pills. (Image Credit: PA)

The source continued: "He thinks he's being clever because he brags the pills don't show up on his Premier League drug tests.

"The mix of zopiclone and booze gets him high. He feels good about himself for a while.

"But the next day he feels lethargic and can't perform to the best of his ability.

"He takes the tablets every day. He is not in a good place.

"The drugs are addictive so doctors don't prescribe many at a time. But the footballer has got easy access via the black market. There are plenty of options for him.

Image Credit: PA

"His friends and team-mates know all about it. He's in a downward spiral.

"The other players think he's throwing his career away and seriously messing his life up.

"They feel sorry for him, but he needs to sort himself out. He is a millionaire star in danger of throwing it all away."

source https://www.sportbible.com/football/football-news-england-international-is-reportedly-hooked-on-sleeping-pills-20210220

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