A petition calling for the removal of VAR in the Premier League has reached over 2,000 signatures.
The technology has been introduced into the English top flight this season but hasn't been received well by football fans.
Chants of "Fuck VAR" and "It's not football anymore" have been sung at stadiums up and down the league and today, after further VAR controversy in Wolves-Liverpool and Manchester City's visit of Sheffield United, "#varout" was trending on Twitter.
What's more, there's even a Twitter account called 'Fans against VAR', which has in turn resulted in the document asking for the Premier League to scrap the use of VAR.
The explanation reads: "The use of the Video Assistant Referee in the Premier League has totally failed. It gets as many (if not more) decisions wrong than before its use.
"Football supporters were misled, and told VAR would be used only in "clear and obvious" circumstances. We have seen thus far, that this is simply not the case.
"The paying supporters in the stadiums have been left bewildered during the decisions, with a total lack of communication given during VAR making its decisions. Supporters should have been prioritised with the implementation of VAR, however, they have been totally cast aside.
"VAR has stolen the heart and soul from football. Football was the most popular sport in the world before VAR, it was not broken and did not need fixing. Let's end the madness, put supporters first and scrap VAR!"
At the time of writing, the petition is closing in on its 2,500 signatures target. There's next to no chance of the Premier League actually acting on this petition but it just highlights the negative reaction to the way in which VAR is being utilised, the constant delays and dodgy lines for offsides.
Gary Lineker put out a poll on Twitter asking for fans to vote on whether they are for and against the technology and unlike VAR, the results are incredibly conclusive.
Early on Saturday morning, VAR was used in the Australian A-League, where fans were able to hear audio of the communication between officials - something that many believe should be incorporated into the Premier League as opposed to just watching footage of refs looking bored in Stockley Park.
Is there a place for VAR in football?
Sound off in the comments.
source https://www.sportbible.com/football/news-petition-to-get-rid-of-var-reaches-over-2000-signatures-20191229